Parent Education and Resources
Assisting with those difficult discussions about guardianship, health care struggles, education, respite care needs, family relationships and long-term planning for children with disabilities.
Providing links to other families, peers and community resources that can assist in making the lives of individuals and their families easier and more fulfilling.
When a parent has a child within the Special Education system it can be daunting. Knowing what to expect, how do you know if your child qualifies for additional services and help, how to write and set goals, what educational programs are available in our community. You don't have to attend your child's Individual Education Plan (IEP) unprepared or alone.
We also provide connections through local community organizations and programs including, Michigan Alliance for Families, Family Support Groups, Children's Special Health Care Services, Early On, PAC & Intermediate School District, Support Groups, Access Ramp for the home, Respite Services, Equipment Repair & Purchase, Social/Recreational Activities, the world through the Internet...and more.
For more information email:
Jackie Morris: Jackie@disabilityconnect.org