Nothing for us, without us.
One of the more important and greatest rights of being a United States citizen is voting. The ability to take part in decision making, regardless of which way you lean politically. The Constitution grants people the right to have their vote counted in elections. Regardless of race, religion, gender, or any other identifier, each vote counts the same and allows you to express your wants and desires for how best to proceed. Especially important for people with disabilities. As a member of one of the largest minorities in America, approximately 20% of Americans have a disability, it is important to be involved with decisions that will have an impact on you.

Eligible to Vote
To register to vote in Michigan, an individual must:
☑ Be a Michigan resident
☑ Be a United States citizen
☑ 17.5 years of age and 18 by Election Day to vote (eligible 16- and 17-year-olds can pre-register to vote)
☑ Not be currently serving a sentence in jail or prison
Preparing to Vote
Are you registered to vote? Yes, no, unsure..?
Go to where you can find your current voting status and district for voting.
For anybody not registered but wanting to register, use this link: and follow the directions.
Are you registered to vote absentee or in person?
If you have not applied to vote absentee, you are required to vote in-person
Absentee application is available at this link:
Have a disability and will you need an accessibility accommodation at the polls? Use this link:
Voting In-Person - What to Expect
You have the right to vote independently using an accessible voting machine. If you would like to use an accessible voting machine, tell an election official when you arrive to vote.
You have the right to assistance from the election officials. You can ask the election officials for instructions on how to use the voting equipment or assistance at any time, even after you’ve entered the voting booth.
If you are blind, disabled, or unable to read or write, you have the right to assistance from anyone you choose. However, the person cannot be:
Your employer
An agent of your employer
An officer or agent of your labor union
Election officials must consider accessibility inside the polling place. You should find:
Adequate lighting and seating
At least 1 voting station that can accommodate a person who is seated
Access to a Voter Assist Terminal